Jensen's Alpha and the Market Timing Puzzle

Bunnenberg S, Rohleder M, Scholz H, Wilkens M (2019)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 37

Pages Range: 234-255

Journal Issue: 2

DOI: 10.1002/rfe.1033


Theory predicts that market timing in managed portfolios biases Jensen’s alpha. However, empirical studies have failed to find evidence this bias actually exists. We tackle this puzzle by showing via a nested model approach and various simulations that, for the bias to become economically relevant, its components, the extent of timing activity and market conditions, must be extreme. Empirically, however, such conditions rarely occur, explaining why the bias does not appear in the data. In a comprehensive empirical analysis of US mutual funds, we find that measures of total performance that allow for timing activities are virtually identical to Jensen’s alpha. Hence, the key takeaway of this paper is that Jensen’s alpha is a sufficient measure of total performance, even in the presence of timing.

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How to cite


Bunnenberg, S., Rohleder, M., Scholz, H., & Wilkens, M. (2019). Jensen's Alpha and the Market Timing Puzzle. Review of Financial Economics, 37(2), 234-255.


Bunnenberg, Sebastian, et al. "Jensen's Alpha and the Market Timing Puzzle." Review of Financial Economics 37.2 (2019): 234-255.

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