Staircase polygons: moments of diagonal lengths and column heights

Richard C (2006)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2006


Book Volume: 42

Pages Range: 239-257

DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/42/1/022


We consider staircase polygons, counted by perimeter and sums of k-th powers of their diagonal lengths, k being a positive integer. We derive limit distributions for these parameters in the limit of large perimeter and compare the results to Monte-Carlo simulations of self-avoiding polygons. We also analyse staircase polygons, counted by width and sums of powers of their column heights, and we apply our methods to related models of directed walks.

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How to cite


Richard, C. (2006). Staircase polygons: moments of diagonal lengths and column heights. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 42, 239-257.


Richard, Christoph. "Staircase polygons: moments of diagonal lengths and column heights." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 42 (2006): 239-257.

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