Novel Approach to SiC Power Device Fabrication: High-Purity Semi-insulating Substrates Doped by Energy-Filtered Ion Implantation

Internally funded project

Start date : 01.09.2021

Project details

Short description

Kurzbeschreibung zu:

Novel Approach to SiC Power Device Fabrication: High-Purity Semi-insulating Substrates Doped by Energy-Filtered Ion Implantation.

Das Forschungsprojekt wird im Rahmen eines LEB-Promotionsvorhabens in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie (IISB) bearbeitet.

Scientific Abstract

Abstract zu:

Novel Approach to SIC Power Device Fabrication: High-Purity Semi-insulating Substrates Doped by Energy-Filtered Ion Implantation


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