The self-concept of social integration – in children in mixed-age classes in the first year of school

Internally funded project

Start date : 01.01.2003

End date : 31.12.2008

Project details

Scientific Abstract

The self-concept of social integration

Project Title

The self-concept of social integration – in children in mixed-age classes in the first year of school 

Project leadership

Dr Günter Renner

The study is concerned with the self-concept of social integration in children in mixed-age classes in the first year of school. It is a part of a larger overall study in which data was collected on performance development (written language acquisition and mathematics), personality development (self-concept in the areas of written language acquisition, mathematics, and self-esteem), and social attitudes and integration. 

In a quantitative, longitudinal study carried out by the Institute of Primary Education Research, the characteristics, development, fittingness to the practical reality, and the stability of the self-concept of social integration of eight mixed-age classes were studied over the course of a school year. The question of whether the children felt more strongly integrated within their own year group compared to the other year groups was also considered. Lastly, we examined whether there was a difference between the growth of a self-concept of social integration between the children from the mixed-age year groups and the children from the classic single-age year groups. 

Project Start


Project End


Financed by


Selected Publications

Renner, G. (2008) Das Selbstkonzept sozialer Integration bei Kindern in der jahrgangsgemischten Eingangsstufe. Nürnberg (The self-concept of social integration in children in mixed-age classes in the first year of school. Nuremberg)


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