WHO-CC: European collaborating centre on physical activity and public health (WHO-CC)

Internally funded project

Acronym: WHO-CC

Start date : 01.03.2014

End date : 31.12.2022

Website: https://www.sport.fau.de/lehrstuehle-und-fachgebiete/public-health-und-bewegung/who-kooperationszentrum/

Project details

Short description


WHO Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity and Public Health. The Institute of Sport Science and Sport (ISS), Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU), is the first World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre in Europe to specialise in physical activity and health - the first sport science institute to feature in such a role. The WHO selects internationally recognised scientific institutions that are able to support specialist work being carried out by the WHO. Diverse duties are carried out by more than 800 centres worldwide: the centres consult the WHO, collect and analyse data for WHO reports, and provide assistance with regard to health-related guidelines. The goal of the Collaborating Centre at the ISS is to find out how to inspire more people to be physically active. Future tasks consist of managing an international database pertaining to physical activity promotion in politics, as well as the analysis of social inequalities in the context of physical activity.


Contributing FAU Organisations:

Research Areas