Parallel amplifier arrangement

Patent type: Priority Patent Application

Patent number: EP1521360A1

Registration date: Oct. 4, 2003


An amplifier arrangement comprising signal input means (3), a first amplifying device (1), at least a second amplifying device (2), and a signal output means (4). The signal input means (3) splits and/or conditions any incoming signal into at least a first branch (11) and a second branch (12), and includes at least one reconfigurable circuit (31, 32, 36) to said first and second amplifying devices (1, 2). The said signal output means (4) combines any signal output and includes at least one reconfigurable circuit (33, 34, 35). Furthermore, control means (5) for said reconfigurable circuits (31 through 36) is provided for controlling said reconfigurable circuits individually and independently from one another.


Patent holder(s)