Apparatus and method for driving an array of loudspeakers with drive signals

Patent type: Property right

Process state: patent granted

Patent number: US10375503B2

Registration date: Oct. 17, 2017

Approval date: Aug. 6, 2019


A wave field synthesis apparatus for driving an array of loudspeakers with drive signals, the apparatus includes a sound field synthesizer for generating sound field drive signals for causing the array of loudspeakers to generate one or more sound fields at one or more audio zones, a binaural renderer for generating binaural drive signals for causing the array of loud-speakers to generate specified sound pressures at at least two positions, wherein the at least two positions are determined based on a detected position and/or orientation of a listener, and a decision unit for deciding whether to generate the drive signals using the sound field synthesizer or using the binaural renderer.


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