Transmitter/receiver device with re-configurable output combining

Patent type: Priority Patent Application

Patent number: US20020155863

Registration date: April 5, 2002


The invention relates to transmission devices for a transmission system, especially for mobile radio system, comprising at least two transmission units each of which having a transmission branch (1, 2) with a signal generating chain (11, 21) and signal amplifying chain (12, 13, 14, 22, 23) wherein the outputs of the signal amplifying chains are connected to a hybrid-combiner (30). An object of the invention is to provide an improved transmitting device, in particular, to reduce the amount of components to be used by simultaneously providing a significant increase of effectiveness. The invention proposes to provide such a transmission device with means for connecting (34, 35a, 35b, 35c) each output port (30a, 30b) of the hybrid-combiner to a separate antenna. An advantage of such inventive solution is based on the fact that the components necessary to realize a transmission device, that is flexible in particular with regard to mutually combined carriers for transmitting with high.


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