The working alliance in a randomized controlled trial comparing Internet-based self-help and face-to-face cognitive behavior therapy for chronic tinnitus

Jasper K, Weise C, Conrad I, Andersson G, Hiller W, Kleinstäuber M (2014)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2014


Book Volume: 1

Pages Range: 49-57

Journal Issue: 2

DOI: 10.1016/j.invent.2014.04.002


Objective: This study (ID: NCT01205906) compared the impact of the working alliance between the therapist and the client on treatment outcome in a group and an Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy (GCBT vs. ICBT) for chronic tinnitus. Methods: The Working Alliance Inventory - Short Revised (WAI-SR, scale range: 1-5) was administered to 26 GCBT and 38 ICBT participants after treatment weeks 2, 5, and 9, and the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) before and after the treatment. Results: High alliance ratings were found in both ICBT (WAI-SR total scores at week 9: M= 3.59, SD= 0.72) and GCBT (WAI-SR total scores at week 9: M= 4.20, SD= 0.49), but significantly higher ratings occurred in GCBT on most WAI-SR scales (ps. < .01). Significant time × group interactions for most WAI-SR scales indicated differences in alliance growth patterns between the treatments (ps. < .001). Residual gain scores for the therapy outcome measure 'tinnitus distress' were significantly correlated with the agreement on treatment tasks between therapist and client in ICBT (r= .40, p= .014) and with the affective therapeutic bond in GCBT (r= .40, p= .043) at mid-treatment (week 5). Conclusion: More time was needed to build a strong alliance in ICBT although GCBT yielded generally higher alliance ratings. Moreover, different aspects of the therapeutic alliance might be important for treatment success in ICBT versus GCBT. © 2014.

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How to cite


Jasper, K., Weise, C., Conrad, I., Andersson, G., Hiller, W., & Kleinstäuber, M. (2014). The working alliance in a randomized controlled trial comparing Internet-based self-help and face-to-face cognitive behavior therapy for chronic tinnitus. Internet Interventions, 1(2), 49-57.


Jasper, Kristine, et al. "The working alliance in a randomized controlled trial comparing Internet-based self-help and face-to-face cognitive behavior therapy for chronic tinnitus." Internet Interventions 1.2 (2014): 49-57.

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