Rethinking Solidarity: An Introduction

Aghoro N, Gerund K, Mayer S (2023)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Journal article, Editorial

Publication year: 2023


Book Volume: 68

Pages Range: 431-440

Journal Issue: 4

DOI: 10.33675/AMST/2023/4/4

Open Access Link:


This introduction outlines the current state of research on solidarity as it pertains to transnational American studies. It highlights how solidarity has, once again, become a buzzword in political, cultural, and academic debates in the United States and beyond, and it sketches exemplarily how the concept has been negotiated across disciplines. Solidarity continues to be a contested idea and certainly has its limits. Yet, as the contributions to this special issue show, it can be and has been productively re-thought in literary, political, and cultural discourses as well as in contemporary scholarship, attesting to both its limits and—perhaps more importantly—its moral, social, and political promises.

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How to cite


Aghoro, N., Gerund, K., & Mayer, S. (2023). Rethinking Solidarity: An Introduction. Amerikastudien, 68(4), 431-440.


Aghoro, Nathalie, Katharina Gerund, and Sylvia Mayer. "Rethinking Solidarity: An Introduction." Amerikastudien 68.4 (2023): 431-440.

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