Implementation of Conditional Phase Gates Based on Tunable ZZ Interactions

Collodo MC, Herrmann J, Lacroix N, Andersen CK, Remm A, Lazar S, Besse JC, Walter T, Wallraff A, Eichler C (2020)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2020


Book Volume: 125

Article Number: 240502

Journal Issue: 24

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.240502


High fidelity two-qubit gates exhibiting low cross talk are essential building blocks for gate-based quantum information processing. In superconducting circuits, two-qubit gates are typically based either on rf-controlled interactions or on the in situ tunability of qubit frequencies. Here, we present an alternative approach using a tunable cross-Kerr-type ZZ interaction between two qubits, which we realize with a flux-tunable coupler element. We control the ZZ-coupling rate over 3 orders of magnitude to perform a rapid (38 ns), high-contrast, low leakage (0.14±0.24%) conditional phase CZ gate with a fidelity of 97.9±0.7% as measured in interleaved randomized benchmarking without relying on the resonant interaction with a noncomputational state. Furthermore, by exploiting the direct nature of the ZZ coupling, we easily access the entire conditional phase gate family by adjusting only a single control parameter.

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How to cite


Collodo, M.C., Herrmann, J., Lacroix, N., Andersen, C.K., Remm, A., Lazar, S.,... Eichler, C. (2020). Implementation of Conditional Phase Gates Based on Tunable ZZ Interactions. Physical Review Letters, 125(24).


Collodo, Michele C., et al. "Implementation of Conditional Phase Gates Based on Tunable ZZ Interactions." Physical Review Letters 125.24 (2020).

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