Berthold Kihn und das Kihnsche Pulver: Über ein vergessenes Therapeutikum in seinem problematischen historischen Kontext

Kasper B, Graf W, Lang J, Krämer G (2021)

Publication Type: Journal article, Review article

Publication year: 2021


DOI: 10.1007/s10309-021-00416-1


Berthold Kihn (1895–1964) was a German psychiatrist. This article describes his life and works with respect to his contributions to the treatment of epilepsy, for which he invented and broadly used his own pharmaceutical treatment, Kihn’s powder. Particular attention is paid to an overt discrepancy in Kihnʼs actions when comparing his later and earlier career years, when he was a National Socialism ideologist and not only an advocate of sterilization and so-called euthanasia but also an active protagonist during the Nazi regime.

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How to cite


Kasper, B., Graf, W., Lang, J., & Krämer, G. (2021). Berthold Kihn und das Kihnsche Pulver: Über ein vergessenes Therapeutikum in seinem problematischen historischen Kontext. Zeitschrift für Epileptologie.


Kasper, Burkhard, et al. "Berthold Kihn und das Kihnsche Pulver: Über ein vergessenes Therapeutikum in seinem problematischen historischen Kontext." Zeitschrift für Epileptologie (2021).

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