Study of broadband multimode light via non-phase-matched sum frequency generation

Kopylov DA, Spasibko K, Murzina T, Chekhova M (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 21

DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab0a7c


We propose non-phase-matched sum frequency generation (SFG) as a method for characterizing broadband multimode light. Both the central wavelength and the bandwidth are in this case not limited by the phase matching condition. As an example, we consider bright squeezed vacuum (BSV) generated through high-gain parametric down conversion (PDC). In the spectrum of SFG from BSV, we observe the coherent peak and the incoherent background. We show that the ratio of their widths is equal to the number of frequency modes in BSV, which in the case of low-gain PDC gives the degree of frequency entanglement for photon pairs. By generating the sum frequency in the near-surface region of a nonlinear crystal, we increase the SFG efficiency and get rid of the modulation caused by chromatic dispersion, known as Maker fringes. This allows one to use non-phasematched SFG as a wavelength-independent autocorrelator. Furthermore, we demonstrate efficient non-phase-matched three- and four-frequency summation of broadband multimode light, hardly possible under phase matching. We show that the latter contains the coherent peak while the former does not.

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How to cite


Kopylov, D.A., Spasibko, K., Murzina, T., & Chekhova, M. (2019). Study of broadband multimode light via non-phase-matched sum frequency generation. New Journal of Physics, 21.


Kopylov, Denis A., et al. "Study of broadband multimode light via non-phase-matched sum frequency generation." New Journal of Physics 21 (2019).

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