Über Bewertungen, welche unter einer reduktiven Gruppe invariant sind

Knop F (1993)

Publication Language: German

Publication Status: Published

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Publication year: 1993


Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)

Book Volume: 295

Pages Range: 333-363

Journal Issue: 2

DOI: 10.1007/BF01444891


Let G be a reductive group defined over an algebraically closed field k and let X be a G-variety. In this paper we study G-invariant valuations v of the field K of rational functions on X. These objects are fundamental for the theory of equivariant completions of X. Let B be a Borel subgroup and U the unipotent radical of B. It is proved that v is uniquely determined by its restriction to K(U). Then we study the set of invariant valuations having some fixed restriction v0 to K(B). If V0 is geometric (i.e., induced by a prime divisor) then this set is a polyhedron in some vector space. In characteristic zero we prove that this polyhedron is a simplicial cone and in fact the fundamental domain of finite reflection group W(X). Thus, the classification of invariant valuations is almost reduced to the classification of valuations of K(B).

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How to cite


Knop, F. (1993). Über Bewertungen, welche unter einer reduktiven Gruppe invariant sind. Mathematische Annalen, 295(2), 333-363. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01444891


Knop, Friedrich. "Über Bewertungen, welche unter einer reduktiven Gruppe invariant sind." Mathematische Annalen 295.2 (1993): 333-363.

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