The local structure theorem for real spherical varieties

Knop F, Krötz B, Schlichtkrull H (2015)

Publication Language: English

Publication Status: Published

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Publication year: 2015


Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany) / Foundation Compositio Mathematica

Book Volume: 151

Pages Range: 2145-2159

Journal Issue: 11

DOI: 10.1112/S0010437X15007307


Let G be an algebraic real reductive group and Z a real spherical G-variety, that is, it admits an open orbit for a minimal parabolic subgroup P. We prove a local structure theorem for Z. In the simplest case where Z is homogeneous, the theorem provides an isomorphism of the open P-orbit with a bundle Q x S-L. Here Q is a parabolic subgroup with Levi decomposition L (sic) U, and S is a homogeneous space for a quotient D = L/L-n of L, where L-n subset of L is normal, such that D is compact modulo center.

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How to cite


Knop, F., Krötz, B., & Schlichtkrull, H. (2015). The local structure theorem for real spherical varieties. Compositio Mathematica, 151(11), 2145-2159.


Knop, Friedrich, Bernhard Krötz, and Henrik Schlichtkrull. "The local structure theorem for real spherical varieties." Compositio Mathematica 151.11 (2015): 2145-2159.

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