Aspects of micro-tactile dynamic sensor tracking

Weckenmann A, Schuler A (2012)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2012


Publisher: Inderscience Publishers

Book Volume: 8

Pages Range: 450-466

Journal Issue: 6

DOI: 10.1504/IJNM.2012.051113


To reduce measurement deviations of tactile surface measurement systems resulting from high surface angles, a probing principle is investigated based on a dynamic surface slope dependent sensor tip rotation. To research the principle, a simulation environment and methods to calculate an optimal tip rotation angle are developed. The achievable deviation reduction of the principle and the performance of the different angle determination methods are examined based on different sample surfaces. In support of a hardware realisation, parameters of a virtual rotation system are varied, its effectiveness is quantified and the limits are identified. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

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How to cite


Weckenmann, A., & Schuler, A. (2012). Aspects of micro-tactile dynamic sensor tracking. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 8(6), 450-466.


Weckenmann, Albert, and Alexander Schuler. "Aspects of micro-tactile dynamic sensor tracking." International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 8.6 (2012): 450-466.

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