Loop Quantum Gravity. The first 30 years.

Giesel K, Laddha A, Varadarajan M, Bianchi E, Oriti D, Dittrich B, Agullo I, Singh P, Fernando B, Perez A, Barrau A, Grain J (2017)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Authored book, Volume of book series

Publication year: 2017

Publisher: World Scientific

Series: 100 Years of General Relativity.

Book Volume: 4

Edition: 1

ISBN: 978-981-3209-92-3


This volume presents a snapshot of the state-of-the-art in loop quantum gravity from the perspective of younger leading researchers. It takes the reader from the basics to recent advances, thereby bridging an important gap.

The aim is two-fold — to provide a contemporary introduction to the entire field for students and post-docs, and to present an overview of the current status for more senior researchers. The contributions include the latest developments that are not discussed in existing books, particularly recent advances in quantum dynamics both in the Hamiltonian and sum over histories approaches; and applications to cosmology of the early universe and to the quantum aspects of black holes.

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How to cite


Giesel, K., Laddha, A., Varadarajan, M., Bianchi, E., Oriti, D., Dittrich, B.,... Grain, J. (2017). Loop Quantum Gravity. The first 30 years. World Scientific.


Giesel, Kristina, et al. Loop Quantum Gravity. The first 30 years. World Scientific, 2017.

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