Teilprojekt P9 - Adaptive Dynamic Fracture Simulation (GRK2423 - P9)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: GRK2423 - P9

Start date : 02.01.2019

End date : 30.06.2023

Extension date: 31.12.2027

Website: https://www.frascal.research.fau.eu/home/research/p-9-adaptive-dynamic-fracture-simulation/

Overall project details

Overall project

Fracture across Scales: Integrating Mechanics, Materials Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics (FRASCAL) (GRK 2423 FRASCAL) Jan. 1, 2019 - Dec. 31, 2027

Overall project speaker:

Project details

Short description

In the simulation of continuum mechanical problems of materials with heterogeneities caused e.g. by a grained structure on a smaller scale compared to the overall dimension of the system, or by the propagation of discontinuities like cracks, the spatial meshes for finite element simulations are typically consisting of coarse elements to save computational costs in regions where less deformation is expected, as well as finely discretised areas to be able to resolve discontinuities and small scale phenomena in an accurate way. For transient problems, spatial mesh adaption has been the topic of intensive research and many strategies are available, which refine or coarsen the spatial mesh according to different criteria. However, the standard is to use the same time step for all degrees of freedom and adaptive time step controls are usually applied to the complete system.

The aim of this project is to investigate the kinetics of heterogeneous, e.g. cracked material, in several steps by developing suitable combinations of spatial and temporal mesh adaption strategies.

Scientific Abstract

In the simulation of continuum mechanical problems of materials with heterogeneities caused e.g. by a grained structure on a smaller scale compared to the overall dimension of the system, or by the propagation of discontinuities like cracks, the spatial meshes for finite element simulations are typically consisting of coarse elements to save computational costs in regions where less deformation is expected, as well as finely discretised areas to be able to resolve discontinuities and small scale phenomena in an accurate way. For transient problems, spatial mesh adaption has been the topic of intensive research and many strategies are available, which refine or coarsen the spatial mesh according to different criteria. However, the standard is to use the same time step for all degrees of freedom and adaptive time step controls are usually applied to the complete system.

The aim of this project is to investigate the kinetics of heterogeneous, e.g. cracked material, in several steps by developing suitable combinations of spatial and temporal mesh adaption strategies.


Contributing FAU Organisations:

Funding Source

Research Areas