Innovation Lab for Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing

Third party funded individual grant

Start date : 01.03.2017

End date : 30.09.2021


Project details

Short description

Immersion in a digital world, controlling technology in your home from the other side of the world, using tiny sensors knitted into shirts to track vital parameters all day long – these all sound rather futuristic, however are increasingly becoming a reality in our everyday lives. Driven by the miniaturization of electrical devices, our clothing and, in fact, our environment is becoming smarter, enabling a fantastic platform for innovation. Students of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) are able to use this platform by visiting the Innovation Lab for Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing, funded by the Center for Digitalization Bavaria. (ZD.B -

The Innovation Lab is located at the Technical Faculty of the FAU in Prof. Bjoern Eskofier’s Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab, providing the students with the infrastructure needed to develop innovative prototypes. The ideas for these prototypes will originate from the students, researchers in related fields and industry partners.

Scientific Abstract

Das Innovationslabor für Wearable und Ubiquitos Computing ist ein vom Zentrum Digitalisierung Bayern (ZD.B) gefördertes Projekt. Ziel dieses Projektes ist die Durchführung einer Lehrveranstaltung, in welcher Studierende unter Anwendung von agilen Entwicklungsmethoden (Scrum) innovative Prototypen im Bereich Wearable und Ubiquitous Computing entwickeln. Die Projektideen stammen dabei aus drei verschiedenen Quellen: von den Studierenden selbst, von Wissenschaftlern oder von externen Industriepartnern.


Contributing FAU Organisations:

Funding Source