Dynamic analysis of prosthetic structures with polymorphic uncertainty

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Start date : 01.01.2016

End date : 30.09.2020

Website: https://tu-dresden.de/bu/bauingenieurwesen/sdt/forschung/spp1886?set_language=en

Project picture

Overall project details

Overall project

SPP 1886: Polymorphe Unschärfemodellierungen für den numerischen Entwurf von Strukturen

Project details

Scientific Abstract

People with joint disorders or lower limb loss require a technical substitute that restores biomechanical function and body integrity. Prothetic structures not only need to fulfil their respective functional requirements (allowing a save and wide range of motion at low energy expenditure and without impairing the person's body) but also the appearance of the resulting motion (including aesthetic properties like natural and symmetric gait patterns) is of high relevance. Since measurement of in vivo joint motion and loading, particularly dynamic loading, is complicated, predictive simulation plays a major role. However, polymorphic sources of uncertainty are present resulting from the prostheses itself, the way a patient moves or the environment. The main goal of this project is the design and development of a simulation framework focusing on the motion of the human lower extremity with different types of hip and knee prostheses in the presence of data as well as model uncertainty of aleatoric and epistemic character and to assess the uncertain results. The project integrates modeling of the structures (human lower extremities and prostheses) and uncertainties (), the mathematical formulation of the motion (as dynamical system or optimal control problem) as well as the computational methods (based on structure preserving integration) to solve the resulting differential algebraic equations. The thematic and organisational placement within the DFG priority programme `Polymorphe Unschärfemodellierung für den numerischen Entwurf von Strukturen' (SPP 1886) is revealed in the `objectives and work programme'.


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