Dr. rer. nat. Patricia Klinger


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Human synovia contains trefoil factor family (TFF) peptides 1-3 although synovial membrane only produces TFF3: Implications in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis (2019) Popp J, Schicht M, Garreis F, Klinger P, Gelse K, Sesselmann S, Tsokos M, et al. Journal article Exploring the phenotypical spectrum of BRD4 defects (2019) Hauer N, Vogl C, Popp B, Buettner C, Uebe S, Sticht H, Ekici AB, et al. Conference contribution Trefoil factor 3 (TFF3) is involved in cell migration for skeletal repair (2019) Krüger K, Schmidt S, Paulsen F, Ignatius A, Klinger P, Hotfiel T, Swoboda B, Gelse K Journal article Identification of novel candidate genes for idiopathic short stature using whole exome sequencing (2019) Thiel C, Hauer N, Vogl C, Ahmadian R, Dhandapany PS, Popp B, Buettner C, et al. Conference contribution Evolutionary conserved networks of human height identify multiple Mendelian causes of short stature (2019) Hauer N, Popp B, Taher L, Vogl C, Dhandapany PS, Büttner C, Uebe S, et al. Journal article Clinical relevance of systematic phenotyping and exome sequencing in patients with short stature (2018) Hauer N, Popp B, Schoeller E, Schuhmann S, Heath KE, Hisado-Oliva A, Klinger P, et al. Journal article PEDF Is Associated with the Termination of Chondrocyte Phenotype and Catabolism of Cartilage Tissue (2017) Klinger P, Lukassen S, Ferrazzi F, Ekici AB, Hotfiel T, Swoboda B, Aigner T, Gelse K Journal article DYNC2LI1 mutations broaden the clinical spectrum of dynein-2 defects (2015) Keßler K, Wunderlich I, Uebe S, Falk N, Gießl A, Brandstätter JH, Popp B, et al. Journal article