apl. Prof. Dr. Jörg König


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




A Metabolomic Analysis of Sensitivity and Specificity of 23 Previously Proposed Biomarkers for Renal Transporter-Mediated Drug-Drug Interactions (2023) Geßner A, Müller F, Wenisch P, Heinrich M, König J, Stopfer P, Fromm M Journal article Novel drug transporter substrates identification: An innovative approach based on metabolomic profiling, in silico ligand screening and biological validation (2023) Nies AT, König J, Leuthold P, Damme K, Winter S, Haag M, Masuda S, et al. Journal article Transcriptional Regulation of Liver-Type OATP1B3 (Lt-OATP1B3) and Cancer-Type OATP1B3 (Ct-OATP1B3) Studied in Hepatocyte-Derived and Colon Cancer-Derived Cell Lines (2023) Haberkorn B, Löwen D, Meier L, Fromm M, König J Journal article Exploring Structural Determinants of Bias among D4 Subtype-Selective Dopamine Receptor Agonists (2023) Graßl F, Bock L, Huete-Huerta González Á, Schiller M, Gmeiner P, König J, Fromm M, et al. Journal article Cancer-Type Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide 1B3 Is Localized in Lysosomes and Mediates Resistance against Kinase Inhibitors (2022) Haberkorn B, Oswald S, Kehl N, Geßner A, Taudte V, Dobert J, Zunke F, et al. Journal article Cell-Specific Transport and Thyroid Hormone Receptor Isoform Selectivity Account for Hepatocyte-Targeted Thyromimetic Action of MGL-3196 (2022) Hönes GS, Sivakumar RG, Hoppe C, König J, Führer D, Moeller LC Journal article A Novel and Cross-Species Active Mammalian INDY (NaCT) Inhibitor Ameliorates Hepatic Steatosis in Mice with Diet-Induced Obesity (2022) Zahn G, Willmes DM, El-Agroudy NN, Yarnold C, Jarjes-Pike R, Schaertl S, Schreiter K, et al. Journal article MATE1 Deficiency Exacerbates Dofetilide-Induced Proarrhythmia (2022) Uddin ME, Eisenmann ED, Li Y, Huang KM, Garrison DA, Talebi Z, Gibson AA, et al. Journal article L-Arginine and Cardioactive Arginine Derivatives as Substrates and Inhibitors of Human and Mouse NaCT/Nact (2022) Surrer D, Fromm M, Maas R, König J Journal article Zebrafish Oatp1d1 Acts as a Cellular Efflux Transporter of the Anionic Herbicide Bromoxynil (2022) Halbach K, Aulhorn S, Lechtenfeld OJ, Lecluse M, Leippe S, Reemtsma T, Seiwert B, et al. Journal article