Dr.-Ing. Christian Schaller


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Distance error correction for time-of-flight cameras (2017) Fürsattel P, Schaller C, Maier A, Riess C Conference contribution, Original article A Comparative Error Analysis of Current Time-of-Flight Sensors (2016) Fürsattel P, Placht S, Balda M, Schaller C, Hofmann H, Maier A, Riess C Journal article, Original article ROCHADE: Robust Checkerboard Advanced Detection for Camera Calibration (2014) Placht S, Fürsattel P, Assoumou Mengue E, Hofmann H, Schaller C, Balda M, Angelopoulou E Conference contribution, Original article Evaluation of a Time-of-Flight based respiratory motion management system (2010) Ulrich C, Schaller C, Penne J, Hornegger J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Improvement and Evaluation of a Time-of-Flight based patient positioning system (2010) Placht S, Schaller C, Balda M, Adelt A, Ulrich C, Hornegger J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Time-of-Flight sensor for patient positioning (2009) Schaller C, Adelt A, Penne J, Hornegger J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Inverse C-arm positioning for interventional procedures using real-time body part detection (2009) Schaller C, Rohkohl C, Penne J, Stürmer M, Hornegger J Authored book, Volume of book series 3D annotation and manipulation of medical anatomical structures (2009) Vitanovski D, Schaller C, Hahn D, Daum V, Hornegger J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Surface-based Respiratory Motion Classification and Verification (2009) Müller K, Schaller C, Penne J, Hornegger J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Touchscreen ohne Touch - Berührungslose 3D Gesten-Interaktion für den Operationssaal (Touchscreen without Touch - Touchless 3D Gesture Interaction for the Operation Room) (2009) Penne J, Soutschek S, Stürmer M, Schaller C, Placht S, Kornhuber J, Hornegger J Journal article, Original article