Dr. Stephan Biber


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Comparison of local transmit antennas for extremity imaging in MRI (2015) Schöpfer J, Biber S, Vossiek M Conference contribution A local TX coil for 3T shoulder imaging (2014) Kirsch F, Schöpfer J, Huber K, Biber S, Martius S Conference contribution Silicon-Micromachining and Electrical Characterization of a 600 GHz Schottky-Diode Mixer with Integrated Octagonal Horn Antenna (2006) Biber S, Schür J, Cojocari O, Hartnagel H, Schmidt LP Conference contribution Design and Testing of Frequency-Selective Surfaces on Silicon Substrates for Submillimeter-Wave Applications (2006) Biber S, Bozzi M, Günther O, Perregrini L, Schmidt LP Journal article Experimental Phase Center Determination of Millimeterwave Antennas using Scaled Models at X-Band Frequencies (2006) Richter J, Biber S, Schmidt LP, Simon J Conference contribution Dielectric Rod Waveguide Couplers as Harmonic Filters for Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Wave Frequencies (2006) Hofmann A, Manglberger M, Biber S, Weinzierl J, Schmidt LP, Brand H Conference contribution Comparative Noise Characterization and Conversion Loss Measurements of Schottky Diode Mixers at 600 GHz (2006) Schür J, Biber S, Cojocari O, Schmidt LP, Hartnagel H Conference contribution Characterization of Micromachined Waveguide Hybrids at 350 and 650 GHz (2006) Biber S, Murk A, Tils T, Pütz P, Schmidt LP, Kämpfer N Conference contribution Application of Silicon Micromachining Techniques for the Manufacturing of New Passive THz-Components (2006) Biber S, Schür J, Schmidt LP Conference contribution 600 GHz Heterodyne Mixer in Waveguide Technology using a GaAs Schottky Diode (2005) Schür J, Biber S, Cojocari O, Mottet B, Schmidt LP, Hartnagel H Conference contribution
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