Philipp Hildenbrand


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Orbital forming of tailored blanks with two-sided local material thickening (2018) Hildenbrand P, Lechner M, Vogel M, Herrmann H, Merklein M Journal article Data-Based Control of A Multi-Step Forming Process (2017) Schulte RK, Frey P, Hildenbrand P, Vogel M, Betz C, Lechner M, Merklein M Conference contribution Data-driven Model Development for Quality Prediction in Forming Technology (2017) Kirchen I, Vogel-Heuser B, Hildenbrand P, Schulte RK, Vogel M, Lechner M, Merklein M Conference contribution Analysis of fundamental dependencies between manufacturing and processing Tailored Blanks in sheet-bulk metal forming processes (2017) Schulte RK, Hildenbrand P, Vogel M, Lechner M, Merklein M Conference contribution Designing, manufacturing and processing of Tailored Blanks in a sheet-bulk metal forming process (2017) Schulte RK, Hildenbrand P, Lechner M, Merklein M Conference contribution Umformtechnische Herstellung von Funktionsbauteilen aus Tailored Blanks durch Blechmassivumformverfahren (2017) Schulte RK, Lechner M, Vogel M, Hildenbrand P, Merklein M Conference contribution Manufacturing of tailored blanks by flexible rolling and its application in a sheet-bulk metal forming process (2017) Vogel M, Lechner M, Hildenbrand P, Schulte RK, Merklein M Conference contribution Manufacturing of functional elements by sheet-bulk metal forming processes (2016) Gröbel D, Schulte RK, Hildenbrand P, Lechner M, Engel U, Sieczkarek P, Wernicke S, et al. Journal article Induction heat treatment of sheet-bulk metal-formed parts assisted by water-air spray cooling (2016) Besserer HB, Dalinger A, Rodman D, Nuernberger F, Hildenbrand P, Merklein M, Maier HJ Journal article Ductile Damage and Fatigue Behavior of Semi-Finished Tailored Blanks for Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Processes (2016) Besserer HB, Hildenbrand P, Gerstein G, Rodman D, Nuernberger F, Merklein M, Maier HJ Journal article