Tobias Rackow


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Logistical Integration of Smart Homes for Automated Consumer Goods Supply Based on Smart Refrigerators (2016) Baier L, Rackow T, Donhauser T, Pfeffer D, Schuderer P, Franke J Journal article Valid Methodology for Using Discrete Event Simulation to Improve the Resource Consumption for the Manufacturing of Masonry Units (2016) Donhauser T, Rackow T, Hirschbrunn J, Schuderer P, Franke J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Energieverbräuche in der Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung (2015) Rackow T, Götz J, Schuderer P, Franke J Journal article Energy flexible production: Saving electricity expenditures by adjusting the production plan (2015) Rackow T, Kohl J, Canzaniello A, Schuderer P, Franke J Conference contribution Implementing energy management system to increase energy efficiency in manufacturing companies (2015) Javied T, Rackow T, Franke J Conference contribution E|Benchmark - A pioneering method for energy efficient process planning and assessment along the life cycle process (2015) Kreitlein S, Schwender S, Rackow T, Franke J Conference contribution Green cockpit: Transparency on energy consumption in manufacturing companies (2015) Rackow T, Javied T, Donhauser T, Martin A, Schuderer P, Franke J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Simulation-Based Optimization of the Energy Consumption in the Hardening Process for Calcium Silicate Masonry Units (2015) Donhauser T, Ehrhardt J, Rackow T, Franke J, Schuderer P Conference contribution Planung von Energieverbräuchen in der Produktion: Vorschlag und Diskussion von Methoden zur Unterstützung des Energiemanagements (2015) Rackow T, Donhauser T, Hübler J, Schuderer P, Franke J Journal article Integrated Energy-Controlling in Industrial Value Chains (2015) Rackow T, Donhauser T, Schuderer P, Franke J Conference contribution