Audi AG

Industry / private company

Location: Ingolstadt, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 0000000102297838


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Automatic derivation of use case diagrams from interrelated natural language requirements (2024) Schleifer S, Lungu A, Kruse B, van Putten S, Götz S, Wartzack S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Natural Language Processing in Requirements Engineering and Its Challenges for Requirements Modelling in the Engineering Design Domain (2023) van Remmen JS, Horber D, Lungu A, Chang F, van Putten S, Götz S, Wartzack S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution On the Benefits of Opportunistic WiFi in Cooperative Downloading (2023) Niebisch M, Pfaller D, German R, Djanatliev A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Enhancing Vehicular Cooperative Downloading with Continuous Seeding through Deep Reinforcement Learning (2023) Niebisch M, Pfaller D, Djanatliev A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Redundant Sensor-Based Perception Sensor Reliability Estimation from Field Tests without Reference Truth (2023) Kryda M, Qiu M, Berk M, Buschardt B, Straub D Journal article, Original article Improved sensor error definitions for reliability analysis of multi-sensor systems (2023) Qiu M, Bazan P, Antesberger T, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution A Credibility Assessment Approach for Scenario-Based Virtual Testing of Automated Driving Functions (2022) Stadler C, Montanari F, Baron W, Sippl C, Djanatliev A Journal article Towards a Multivariate Scoring Metric for the Evaluation of Simulation Scenarios in Automated Driving (2022) Stadler C, German R, Djanatliev A Conference contribution Synchronization of Hybrid Models in the Automated Driving Simulation (2022) Baron W, Sippl C, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution CoDiPy: Performance Evaluation of Vehicular Cooperative Downloading in Python (2022) Niebisch M, Pfaller D, Djanatliev A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution