ERC Consolidator Grant

Foto: FAU/Georg Pöhlein

Award year: 2023

Category: Scholarship / Grant

Type: ERC Consolidator Grant

Awarding organization: Europäischer Forschungsrat (ERC)

With their machine learning project, Professor Kainz and his team hope to train computer programs to recognize healthy tissue structures. Artificial intelligence would then be able to pre-sort the images obtained during the diagnosis process into “probably healthy” or “possibly sick”. It goes without saying that the final decision is taken by the medical experts. With the support of the machines, however, medical staff would gain valuable time that they could then use to investigate any images deviating from the norm more thoroughly. As a knock-on effect, more patients could be treated, and patients would not have to wait so long to find out whether the images indicated that there was a problem with their health.
