Reinhard Rieger-Award in Zoomorphology

Award year: 2020

Category: Other Award


Awarding organization: Institute of Zoology at the University of Innsbruck

The Reinhard Rieger-Award is given in memory of the zoologist Reinhard Rieger (1943 - 2006). The prize is awarded annually for outstanding research in the field of zoomorphology.

Its purpose is to recognize an outstanding research article from the entire spectrum of functional and evolutionary morphology in the animal kingdom. Preference will be given to studies that are convincing in their potential to elucidate changes in morphologies and functions in the broader ecomorphological and evolutionary framework.

The award was initiated by Prof. Dr. Wilfried Westheide in 2008. It is sponsored by the two leading international journals in the field of zoomorphology - "Journal of Morphology" (John Wiley & Sons) and "Zoomorphology" (Springer) - and by the Institute of Zoology at the University of Innsbruck. It consists of a certificate and a grant of $ 3000.

The selection committee includes the chief executive editors of the two journals and one representative of the Division of Evolutionary Developmental Biology at the Institute of Zoology (University of Innsbruck, Austria).
