Innovative Refrigeration Technology for Machine Tools with Sustainable Refrigerants and Digital Twins

Bani-Hani M, Stemmler T, Hanenkamp N (2024)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Publication year: 2024


Book Volume: 122

Pages Range: 970-975


DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2024.02.033

Open Access Link:


This article investigates the trend of assessing energy efficiency, sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions in the operation of 5- axis milling machine tools. This research aims to predict the cooling load by thermal models control within the main spindle system to ensure that cooling devices are dimensioned adequately and to keep it running under optimal conditions leading to improve the overall efficiency. In order to achieve this goal, a digital twin approach is currently being developed utilizing commercial software which consists of four primary models. A simulation model for material removal is used to predict the mechanical load required for the milling process to finish the CAD model. The second model is the spindle control model to determine the electric currents needed to operate the induction motor at the specified mechanical power. This model provides the electric current data to the lumped-parameter thermal networks (LPTN) model, which is proposed to accurately represent the heat dissipation from the motor and spindle systems towards the cooling channel in the main spindle system. Subsequently, the task at hand involves making an estimate of the necessary outlet temperature derived from the refrigeration unit model, which is essential for effectively covering the thermal energy produced by the spindle system.

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How to cite


Bani-Hani, M., Stemmler, T., & Hanenkamp, N. (2024). Innovative Refrigeration Technology for Machine Tools with Sustainable Refrigerants and Digital Twins. Procedia CIRP, 122, 970-975.


Bani-Hani, Mohammad, Timon Stemmler, and Nico Hanenkamp. "Innovative Refrigeration Technology for Machine Tools with Sustainable Refrigerants and Digital Twins." Procedia CIRP 122 (2024): 970-975.

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