Prof. Dr. Frieder Lang


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Participation in activities mediates the effect of Internet use on cognitive functioning in old age (2020) Kamin S, Seifert A, Lang F Journal article Dementia Worry and the Perception of Personal Risk: A Longitudinal Study (2020) Martin K, Lang F, Rupprecht R, Nömer J Journal article Perceived personal deadlines for late-life preparation across adulthood (2020) Lang F, Rupprecht F Journal article Technology Adaptivity Mediates the Effect of Technology Biography on Internet Use Variability (2020) Seifert A, Kamin S, Lang F Journal article Employee voice at work: The role of employees’ gender, self-efficacy beliefs, and leadership (2020) Eibl B, Lang F, Niessen C Journal article, Original article Social support is associated with technology use in old age (2020) Kamin S, Beyer A, Lang F Journal article Development and Validation of Social Motivation Questionnaire (2019) Gong X, Seaman KL, Fung HH, Loeckenhoff C, Lang F Journal article Effekte eines moderierten Familienrates auf Beziehungserleben und subjektives Belastungsempfinden unterstützender Angehöriger im häuslichen Umfeld - Befunde aus dem Projekt 9xOfra - selbstbestimmt Wohnen in Oberfranken (2019) Töpler S, Damm F, Beyer A, Lang F Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Entscheidung für technische Assistenzsysteme für Personen mit Unterstützungsbedarf im häuslichen Umfeld - Befunde aus dem Projekt 9xOfra-Selbstbestimmt Wohnen in Oberfranken (2019) Beyer A, Töpler S, Damm F, Lang F Conference contribution, Conference Contribution A healthy dose of realism: The role of optimistic and pessimistic expectations when facing a downward spiral in health (2019) Chipperfield JG, Hamm JM, Perry RP, Parker PC, Ruthig JC, Lang F Journal article