France (FR)


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




European Monetary Policy in a Globalized World: From Low to High Politics (2024) Kähler J, Weber C Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Author Correction: Increasing extreme melt in northeast Greenland linked to foehn winds and atmospheric rivers (Nature Communications, (2023), 14, 1, (1743), 10.1038/s41467-023-37434-8) (2024) Mattingly KS, Turton J, Wille JD, Noël B, Fettweis X, Rennermalm ÅK, Mote TL Journal article, Erratum METhodological RadiomICs Score (METRICS): a quality scoring tool for radiomics research endorsed by EuSoMII (2024) Kocak B, Akinci D’Antonoli T, Mercaldo N, Alberich-Bayarri A, Baessler B, Ambrosini I, Andreychenko AE, et al. Journal article Publisher Correction: Determinants of exposure to acrylamide in European children and adults based on urinary biomarkers: results from the “European Human Biomonitoring Initiative” HBM4EU participating studies (Scientific Reports, (2023), 13, 1, (21291), 10.1038/s41598-023-48738-6) (2024) F. Fernández S, Poteser M, Govarts E, Pardo O, Coscollà C, Schettgen T, Vogel N, et al. Journal article, Erratum Prior flavivirus immunity skews the yellow fever vaccine response to cross-reactive antibodies with potential to enhance dengue virus infection (2024) Santos-Peral A, Luppa F, Goresch S, Nikolova E, Zaucha M, Lehmann L, Dahlstroem F, et al. Journal article Comparative efficacy and safety of subcutaneous infliximab and vedolizumab in patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis included in randomised controlled trials (2024) Peyrin‐Biroulet L, Arkkila P, Armuzzi A, Danese S, Ferrante M, Jordi Guardiola , Jahnsen J, et al. Journal article Quantitative analysis of the intensity distribution of optical rogue waves (2024) Rácz É, Spasibko K, Manceau M, Ruppert L, Chekhova MV, Filip R Journal article Rapid weight loss and mood states in judo athletes: A systematic review (2024) Lakicevic N, Thomas E, Isacco L, Tcymbal A, Pettersson S, Roklicer R, Tubic T, et al. Journal article Interface defect formation for atomic layer deposition of SnO2 on metal halide perovskites (2024) Mallik N, Hajhemati J, Frégnaux M, Coutancier D, Toby A, Zhang ST, Hartmann C, et al. Journal article Missense variants in ANO4 cause sporadic encephalopathic or familial epilepsy with evidence for a dominant-negative effect (2024) Yang F, Begemann A, Reichhart N, Haeckel A, Steindl K, Schellenberger E, Sturm RF, et al. Journal article