Lehrstuhl für Sportwissenschaft mit der Ausrichtung Gesundheitsförderung/Public Health/Sozialwissenschaften des Sports

Institution picture


The “Physical Activity and Public Health” Division is concerned with the analysis and promotion of physical activity and health behaviour in special population groups – such as children, the elderly or people with a migrant background – and at the same time devotes itself to situational prevention and policy development in the field of physical activity promotion. In addition to sporting activities, the focus is on informal physical activities such as leisure activities and active mobility behaviour. The methodological spectrum of research projects in this field ranges from systematic reviews to quantitative and qualitative study designs with a transdisciplinary approach. With these focal points, the Division operates at the interface between social, sports and health science research, which is becoming increasingly important.


Gebbertstraße 123c
91058 Erlangen